The Importance of Social Media in Sales |Digital Planet London

Importance of Social Media In Sales and Revenue Increase


In the current century, social media marketing has been an in thing for almost all businesses. It is by social media marketing that most businesses have seen increased sales and significant revenue growth.  It is wise for any business to create and develop a website then expand your outreach through other social media channels. According to the world, we are in today; it is rare for a company that is inactive on social media to succeed. That’s because they tend to lose great opportunities, and in most case, their products and services are not known to consumers.

Using media platforms for marketing

Social media helps businesses to interact with the target market, therefore enabling them to advertise their products and services which boosts sales. For most companies, twitter and Facebook are commonly used platforms. Going through updates, comments and tweets from customers enable businesses to understand what their customers require, need and prefer. In this way, it becomes easy for companies to come up with relevant strategies of how to meet these customer’s needs. Social media marketing is considered relevant for businesses due to a variety of reasons which include but are not limited to:

  • It helps increase awareness; Social media is very efficient as it allows companies to provide information, get feedback from customers and vice versa. In case a customer has a query, complaint or compliment about a business, they can share the same effectively and efficiently. Companies that respond to these customer thoughts are likely to boost sales in social media. As they say, customers tend to buy where they feel happy and appreciated.
  • It helps keep businesses even with their competitors; every business is usually faced with competition, and it is what pushes business to growth. So long as your competitors in business are using social media advertisement to increase sales, then you need to keep up with digital marketing methodologies. Most companies are boosting their sales by social media marketing. For good revenue collection, you need to stay ahead of your competitors and provide the best to your customers.
  • It helps get customers; through social media, you can quickly get customers so long as you post your products and services and give a description. Ensure you give direction for any interested customer to have access to your business.
  • It is affordable; Social media is a very cost-effective way to market and promote your products and services. It is through these social media campaigns that businesses see an increase in sales, yet they have not incurred an extra budget. Small businesses, therefore, have a fair deal, especially when competing with existing and well-known brands.
  • It is an effective way of marketing; social media creates awareness among consumers and gives businesses a chance to remind customers about the products and services being offered frequently. It is, however, advisable for a business to be keen when advertising on social media so that they do not overwhelm customers by their online campaigns. Strategically placed adverts are likely to lead to sales growth in social media.
  • Social media is informative. It is through social media that most businesses get to learn what their competitors are selling and how they are doing it. By this means, it is easy for a business to come up with a plan on how to hit the market with their advertisements to attract customers.

Social Media For Business Growth And Increased Sales

Social media platforms are so popular, and this is the reason why all business should market and sell their brands through them. Most marketers know how to create brand awareness through social media, but few are not sure how to use it to increase sales. Social media is, however, an essential marketing tool that business should incorporate to increase sales and revenue. Here are some tips to keep in mind when doing advertisement in social media to increase sales;

  • Ensure you are where your audience is: It is vital when targeting social media marketing to ensure that you use platforms that are suitable for your consumers. Discover where your audience is most active, and in this way, you will know which platform to focus on and get customers. In this way, you are likely to boost sales in social media.
  • Ensure your content is excellent: You would rather have little content that is educative to your audience on the quality of your products. If there is value in your content, there is a greater chance for your audience to remember your brand and want to buy from you. That ultimately brings revenue to your business.
  • Consider utilizing combined shopping features: Most consumers are likely to use platforms that ease purchase for them. Most platforms have integrated these features, so it is better to consider them. It is even easier for you as the marketer to drive sales through these social media platforms, e.g. Instagram shopping, Facebook shop, Pin interest etc.
  • Consider using similar hashtags with competitors: Consider standing out from other businesses by showing up first in any hashtag search by prospective consumers. Once find a suitable medium then you can stick by it, and in this way, there is a likelihood of having more sales.
  • Give away coupons: Coupons have been used as a way to entice customers. Every customer would not mind getting a coupon that will allow them to purchase products and services at discounted rates. This way, you boost sales in social media.
  • Promote through give away products.
  • Introduce flash sales: These usually create urgency among consumers, and they boost sales. Most businesses offer a special price on products and services over a specified period. For this to work, advertise flash sales weeks before, and this will attract more customers to check out your products often, and there is an assured increased revenue over this duration.
  • Post photos: In most cases, words alone do not seem to drive the point home like words like come along with photos of the said products. For instance, if you post a photo of a product on Facebook, there is a great chance to get likes from friends who like through friends. In this way, your likelihood of selling more of that product is high.
  • Increase your exposure on social media platforms: As mentioned earlier, most businesses have websites; therefore, it is a plus to have buttons here, linking to your social media. Consider having links on emails, newsletters and this way you get more followers hence more people learn of your social media sales.
  • You can go mobile: In this generation, almost everyone has a mobile phone which they use to access these social media platforms. You can consider having automated messages sent out to potential customers with links that once clicked on direct them to your social media platform.

In Conclusion:

The digital planet is of great help to businesses in increasing sales and revenue, and it is evolving. Business marketers should, therefore know to correctly control digital properties to know the importance of social media in sales and business generally. Business can consider finding advisors or independent agencies to market on their behalf. This is because maintaining a right digital presence can be challenging. Optimizing these platforms can maximize effectiveness and revenue they are bound to generate.