Newest Technologies on the Horizon - Digital Planet
Technologies on the Horizon

I know you have a question in your mind, what are the newest technologies on the horizon? Read on to learn more.

As the futuristic landscape of our society grows ever larger, new technologies are constantly being innovated upon and taking our species in new directions. As an organizational leader, it’s vital to keep up to date with the latest developments and how they might help you to achieve your goals. 

When used correctly, technology is a powerful tool and can be an invaluable asset to your company. As new advancements are made, it’s a great idea to keep up to date and explore what you could use to improve your productivity. 

As the pandemic comes to a close and society acclimates to the new normal, new advancements are beginning to take off that can revolutionize the way you work and bring your company screaming into the 21st century. 

Remote Work

After a year of working from home and social distancing, progress made during the pandemic regarding remote working is here to stay. Offerings from Microsoft, Salesforce, Zoom, and even Facebook can help your workforce communicate remotely. Some companies are even beginning to step into the future of AR/VR interactions to make remote work a viable reality. 

Depending on your organization, remote work is a great option that your employees appreciate. Giving workers the choice of their work environment can help to liven spirits and increase productivity. While this may be difficult, new software tools are making it easier than ever, and hybrid work is here to stay. 


The 5G is another new technology on the horizon. Telecom companies have been aggressively pushing 5G as the next big leap forward for a few years now. While marketing spiel is hard to believe, the benefits genuinely activate as more customers begin taking advantage of the new technology

Faster networks will always be useful, especially when they do not require close connections like wifi. 5G will benefit those working remotely as they have access to fast network speeds and can stay in the loop regardless of location. 

Electric Vehicles

As more manufacturers begin to release their electric vehicle options, the revolution of green transport is slowly taking over. Thanks to market disruptors such as Tesla and new laws from Governments, it’s inevitable that electric cars will take over in just a few short years. 

In the UK, the sale of all new non-electric cars is to be banned in 2030. Going forward, investing in non-electric vehicles is a short-sighted decision as the country moves to support an electric future. The new infrastructure will mean many jobs in the EV space to help push the country into the future.

New technologies are constantly advancing and being released. Here at Digital Planet, we can help you keep you up to date with future horizons advanced technology. Contact us today and learn about how we can help you!

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