Many people confuse most marketing terms, including brand marketing and content marketing. What is the crucial difference between these two terms? How are they different, and what are their benefits? This blog will cover brand marketing VS content marketing along with their examples to make it clear. So, let’s get started with their introduction and examples.
What is Brand Marketing?
Brand marketing is the process of the growing relationship between the brand and the consumers. Instead of bringing out the individual product or service on the front, it promotes the brand’s entity as a whole. Brand marketing aims to bring out the unique selling points of the brand’s products so that the consumers become aware of the brand’s value. In other words, brand marketing shapes the brand identity in consumers’ eyes.
The platforms used for product marketing are used for brand marketing as well. Every platform helps the brand reach a diverse target audience. Hence, working as a bridge between your audience and the products or services.
Brand Marketing Examples
Let’s understand brand marketing in a better way via examples.
Nike ‘Just Do It’
Nike did a great brand marketing job by sticking to its tagline,’ Just do it.’ Usually, companies create ads and publish statements to advertise their company, ultimately bringing up new customers. But in the case of Nike, they don’t have to advertise their products, nor do they have to ensure the quality they provide. They brand themselves, so people have something on their minds when they hear Nike. And ultimately, that brand value has driven loyal customers throughout the years.
Apple’s Belief in Its Values
Apple believes in its guiding principles and markets its brand so that people (if not all) at least prefer them for a reason. Through brand marketing, they developed their brand awareness and retained customers. People remember them for a reason.
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Benefits of Brand Marketing
When you do brand marketing, your brand gets recognized, and if you successfully make people remember something about you, your strategy is effective.
Here’re a few of the many benefits that brand marketing comes with.
Recognition: If brand marketing results in the remembrance of your brand’s tagline, logo, and theme by the people. They will return to you for purchase.
Loyal customers: People have recognized your brand and have found your product or service unique/better than the other sellers. They now become your loyal customers who ultimately take your brand to success.
Builds credibility: Whenever we try a new product/service, we think twice before making a purchase. But brand recognition and loyalty build credibility among customers, and they trust you.
What is Content Marketing?
Content marketing refers to creating and posting content to engage potential customers. It involves the creation of relevant content to attract the audience and take them to the ‘call to the action stage. Nothing can engage people for multiple minutes other than engaging content. And there isn’t a single type of visitor coming to your site. People visit to extract useful information, for research purposes, or other purposes.
Content marketing works for companies who want to rank their products/services in Google’s search engine. It may not produce instant results, but it is helpful in the long run. Plus, it’s a one-time effort, and you enjoy the outcomes. It includes both articles and visuals and small and long pieces of articles, videos, and images to engage and maintain an audience.
Content Marketing Examples
The blogs, videos, or posts you interact with on Instagram and Facebook surround content marketing. Let’s get better insight into Content marketing VS Brand marketing via examples.
Spotify wrapped playlist
It is one of the most successful content marketing campaigns. In it, the users of Spotify music get a round of all the music they have listened to the following year. All the songs appear according to their genres, year of release, and the artists’ names on a colorful and attractive theme.
Spotify also creates a playlist containing the songs the user has listened to, and the user can also share that on social media platforms.
Canva’s design school
It adds value to its customer’s experience by teaching them how they can create great images with minimum effort using Canva. Canva suggests related designs and instantly helps the user select the desired design. This is why it has become one of the most popular used apps nowadays.
Benefits of Content Marketing
There’re numerous benefits of content marketing, including the following given below.
Engages audience for a long time: Content marketing helps engage the audience that, ultimately, retains them and compels them to purchase the product/service.
Audience trust: Content posting regularly builds relationships with the audience. You give them information, and based on that information, they make a purchase. And when they get to benefit from that product, they trust you for future purchases.
Generate more leads: good content with a call-to-action line can improve engagement and generate more leads for your brand. Lead generation ultimately leads to more purchases from your brand.
Difference Between Brand Marketing and Content Marketing
Although the two terms seem the same or similar, they are different. Here’re the critical differences between Content Marketing and Brand Marketing:
- Content marketing attracts the audience by providing them with the information they want. In contrast, brand marketing tends to be pushed out to the targeted audience.
- Content marketing involves good engaging content to retain an audience. In comparison, brand marketing helps people understand your brand’s values and create awareness.
- Content marketing can be done via various social platforms. Brand marketing may or may not use all those platforms.
- Content marketing is intended to rank products/services on search engines like Google, while brand marketing acts as a bridge between the consumer and the product.
The Ideal Marketing Strategy
Brand marketing, as well as content marketing, are essential for a company to survive and grow. An ideal marketing strategy would be one having a blend of both. Brand marketing strengthens the brand’s base so engaging content can be created and published. So, the foundation should be strong enough to make the people retain and read what you have as content for them. Also, brand identification and recognition take time, but once you build trust in the audience, they start remembering you and engaging with your content.
Content marketing engages and increases your reach to your targeted audience. It helps generate leads and, ultimately, conversions. So, brand and content marketing go hand in hand for the success of the company in the long run.
Wrap up!
The article covers brand marketing vs. content marketing. Both terms seem similar, but there are differences between the two. Brand marketing revolves around building brand value and creating awareness among the audience. In contrast, content marketing involves publishing content on social platforms to engage and retain an audience. They both have benefits and help build trust among people. Regular content uploads engage the audience for a long. So, an ideal marketing strategy is one having both in it. Because one of them helps build the brand’s value and awareness while the other is needed to communicate/engage with the target audience directly via social media platforms.